The Eye of the Beholder

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

For those that have never had the privilege of visiting Amsterdam, everyone ride bikes! We have seen bikes with two baby seats attached (one on the front handlebars and one above the back fender) and bikes with large wooden carts up front for filling with up to three children (or two children and a Christmas ham...). Bikers do not hesitate to ring their bells if you get in their way, and we even saw bikers ringing at giant trucks. I would never get anywhere on my bike in Amsterdam, because I would surely chicken out and yield to the trucks.

All of the traditional houses have these hooks (some quite ornate) for hauling large packages and furniture into the upper level apartments. We actually got to watch one of BigSister's neighbors moving. They would put several large boxes into a rope net and haul them up the side of the building. We also saw a Christmas tree that never actually made it into the building, all lit up and left to hang up-side-down around the second story. Not sure if that was someone's idea of sharing the
festivities with the neighbors or just a
tragic accident.

On Saturday we visited the Anne Frank house. I did not cry until I saw a quote from Nelson Mandela about how his collaborators were inspired by the diary as they read it while in prison.

There is some talk of the possibility of carol singing in the red light district for Christmas... It might be the Christian thing to do... I will keep you posted. Merry Christmas to all!


Blogger Timid Tripper said...

Did you hear about Christa's mission call? Maybe she can hang out with your Bigsis too!

1:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah! Just got the word that she will be Dutch speaking in the Brussels Mission... That will be wonderful! I definitely could live here, except that it never gets light out until around 11:00 in the winter... let's just say that productivity is WAY down, and relaxation time is GOOD!

Congrats to Christa! I just tried to find her blog to say "hello," but I could not find it.

11:14 AM  
Blogger MrsVegasBabe said...

Oops, I meant to say "Gefeliciteerd!" to Christa...

11:21 AM  

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