The Eye of the Beholder

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Love Letters from a Closet Honey

This might come as a shock to some of you, but my fiance does not actually call me VegasBabe. To him (and occasionally other members of his family), I am simply Honey. That may not seem unusual to you, but you must understand that "Honey" is not used as a term of endearment, but as an actual name. As in "Dad, please do not sit there, that is Honey's chair" or "please ask Honey if she wants mushrooms on her pizza."

I kid you not.

In any case, Mr. M. is due back from Iraq shortly, and he and Honey are planning a trip to Seattle to visit his sister. Honey just received an email confirmation on the tickets which he purchased. She (wow, I can almost not remember that she is actually me) was so excited that she had to email him. That little love letter went something remarkably close to this...

Mr. Man,
Was it fun booking for the two of us?!? So exciting that we are actually traveling and booking together!!! We must really be engaged...

I am going to make you carry my bags and my purse and I am going to drool on your shoulder while I sleep on the plane... and I am going to choose your drinks for you... "Mr. M, don't you want cranberry juice? I am getting ginger ale and if you happen to get cranberry, we can share a lovely cocktail..." and I won't have to call you from the airport to tell you I made it okay, but I still will... from the bathroom when you least expect it... I can hardly wait!!! All of my dreams are coming true.



Ain't love grand? He has yet to respond, but I am pretty sure he is excited too.


Blogger Dragon's Back said...

You're sick. Have you ever tried cheese pizza with warm honey drizzled on it? Now, that's how I like my honey, or I mean pizza.

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I sick, or is he?!?

I have not tried that, but we used to go to the Bo's pizza in Denver where the pizza was so large that the end crust was like a loaf of bread...

They had honey on the table for the crust. Yum! My dessert after my pie!

1:34 PM  
Blogger Dragon's Back said...

Umm Sara. Clearly no one else that know you quite knows what to do with this sickeningly sweet posting so I think you better post a new one~ pronto! Would like to hear about your sweet bun's (or whatever the the hell you call him) return, perhaps? Just not too mushy okay?

1:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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9:32 AM  
Blogger MrsVegasBabe said...

So, BigSis, did you draw the shortest straw... time for an intervention... His name is Toad, by the way!

9:39 AM  

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