The Eye of the Beholder

Sunday, July 02, 2006

They Can Take Away Our Lives, but They Can Never Take Our Blogdom...

The e-Terrorists had a major victory, but the war is not lost. It has just come to my attention that your freedom to post to my blog was badly compromised for some time. I thought you all just stopped caring and I nearly gave up my soap box in defeat!

Honestly, after the initial attack I merely set my comments to require word verification. I did not intentionally block anyone from participating in a free exchange of ideas. A million thanks to that cool chick, Cousin, for alerting me to the situation. In the future I will depend upon all of you to find a means whereby you can voice your grievances... Even if it seems the establishment would prevent you from doing so. Come on, you should know me well enough to know I like dissenting voiced...

Now, post a comment! Go ahead--hit me with your best shot! I can take the criticism.


Blogger Timid Tripper said...

Yay! I can now voice my opinions again. I think I inherited some of those strong opinions and a need to express them. Thanks for the tips on the SIGG. I'll have to check it out for Girls' Camp.:~]

2:32 PM  

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