The Eye of the Beholder

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Ban This!

I'm not exactly sure what these librarians are protesting (librarians are always protesting something...). Still, I am posting it, because who doesn't need to see more naked librarians?

Recently I read an article about attempts in middle America to ban certain books from public libraries. One angry parent was quoted as saying that "if it shouldn't be on a billboard on I-70, it shouldn't be in a public library."

So true. Also, if we kept all books short enough for that medium, I am sure America's students would perform better on their SATs and Jeopardy would be a whole lot easier for mass consumption!

In a similar vein, the quote of the week comes from the trailer to the new documentary about the Dixie Chicks, Shut Up and Sing (coming soon to a theater near you). Are you ready for this? Here it is:
"Freedom of speech is fine, but... you shouldn't do it in public!" From the mouths of senior citizens...

P.S. I said it before and I'll say it now, Natalie was right. A lot of people should be ashamed.

P.P.S. From the looks of the movie posters, Natalie would also make a great librarian!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! I've been checking everyday for a new posting. The naked librarians rock!!!

4:14 AM  
Blogger MrsVegasBabe said...

Evey good librarian ROCKS, but some giggle more than others...

In any case, I have always been a great fan of nudity for a cause.

PS These librarians know the line between pornography and art when they walk it.

3:00 PM  

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