The Eye of the Beholder

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My Rescue Dog is Smarter than Your Honor Student!

I am a wreck. I cannot even open email advertisements from t-shirt companies without crying... not when the world gives us bumper stickers with stats as startling at this one:
9, 589
The number of dogs and cats euthanized today in the U.S.

(Note to BS--This is NOT to encourage you to adopt a pack of Chinese dogs... they are part of the food chain and you should not mess with that.)

Now, there are also lots of cuddly cute t-shirts and lots of self-righteous preachy declarations against those unfit to parent a puppy (just my flavor of wash-and-wear editorial!), so do not let the sad ones frighten you from checking them out this link.

More importantly, take the advice of sage individuals like Betty White and Bob Barker--wake up and spay or neuter your pet! Whatever it costs, the price is right.

Still, I ask myself, "Self, what else can we do about it besides practicing responsible puppy birth control (check)or adopting an entire heard of feral cats?" (I have a pack of feral cats at work if any readers are interested.)

"Well,VegasBabe, you could volunteer at a no-kill shelter (honestly not going to happen for me this month). You could also put your money where your mouth is. Why not use a charity search database, like the one mentioned in your "think Smart" blog entry, to find a worthy cause near you?" I queried.

Alas, my charity search did not turn-up much in the greater Vegas area... but they gave 4 stars to my favorite cage-free cat sanctuary in Lakewood, CO... Okay, it is the only cage-free cat sanctuary I have every visited, and it was a little freaky... Your honor student definitely smells better... Let's just chalk it up to the fact that I was going through a "Be Nice to Cat Lovers" phase of growth.

I have moved on since then--I have the t-shirt to prove it


Blogger MrsVegasBabe said...

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9:37 AM  
Blogger MrsVegasBabe said...

Breaking news... China has announced a new law stating that "only one pet dog is allowed per household." No mention about dogs bred for other purposes...

Apparently 318 people died of rabies in China during the month of SEPTEMBER alone... BS and Gracie need to be careful while walking in the woods!

9:55 AM  

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