The Eye of the Beholder

Friday, December 08, 2006

Rachel Green Has Got Nothin' on Me

It is 11:29 P.M. on a Friday night, and I am making English Trifle. While my pudding is cooling, I thought I would take time out to blog this special moment for posterity.

Recently I have been contemplating some of life's little lessons. I cannot help but observe how seldom we seem to learn from the wisdom and experience of would-be role models... I at least have to do everything the hard way. For those of you who are smarter than I and might actually benefit from the insight of another person, I offer this list of things that I should have learned from Martha Stewart, had I been paying attention.

1. It is impossible to purchase a nice trifle bowl in Las Vegas, Nevada at 10:35 P.M. on a Friday night.

2. Instant pudding should NEVER be cooked, not even if it is mixed with equal parts of "cook 'n serve."

3. Though peanut butter might take the burnt taste out of Sunday roast (try it some time!), it does not work for chocolate pudding (you just get burnt peanut butter pudding).

4. You might be able to squeeze 6 cups of milk out of the already open carton, but you CANNOT do it twice.

5. Vons at 11:15 P.M. is much more pleasant than Wal*Mart at 10:35 P.M. (give me a break... there is hypocrisy and then there is pure desperation), but you still can't get a nice trifle bowl.

All in all, I think this dessert is going to turn out quite nice. After all, peanut butter good... day-old chocolate cake good... what's not to like about this?!?


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