The Eye of the Beholder

Monday, August 20, 2007

I Knew That I Was Not The Only One!

Sometimes I feel like a single mother... perhaps I only have dogs to raise and care for, but I have still found myself saying that working women need wives! A husband might help separate the duties that are currently mine, all mine...

but I can't help thinking that a wife would really contribute! I thought I might be fairly creative in my voicing of this notion (if not in the actual need)... I guess not.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I don't Know About High, But She Sure Is Dry

My poor Lulu has NOT been enjoying her summer of thunderstorms and fireworks... She has been looking for smaller and smaller confined spaces to help calm her nerves.

The brainstorming whirlwind seems to have culminated nicely. Honestly, she went in of her own accord, so please do not report me to PETA!