The Eye of the Beholder

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The World In Which We live In...

Okay, I mocked Lee Greenwood, but I allow Guns n" Roses and James Bond to get away with a line like "the world in which we live in..." Sorry Lee, but I bet you don't wear a kilt as well as Axl Rose so you get no special treatment.

Anyway, I only thought of that lyric, because I love the interactions that can occur whenever people of different cultures happen to meet in this crazy world in which we live in. I also love the way Engrish documents these. Perhaps you have all seen this site, but I was re-reminded of its existence recently.

Warning: You probably do not want to go there right now with your kids watching over your shoulder (definitely has some items that are PG 13... do I have any under-aged readers?)

I particularly enjoy the totally Japanese-ness of many items on this site. Don't touch my moustache!

Friday, July 14, 2006

To the Gulf of Mexico!

Roomie told me that my vocal insistence that the LeeGreenwoodSong is "total crap" demonstrates the same kind of intolerance shown by the many individuals who have occasionally called for me to be burned in effigy in retribution for my own heretical attacks on The Song.

If my ravings came off as a criticism of Rednecks or any other group, let me say that I have, from time to time, embraced my own inner Redneck. It is just that to my way of thinking there are desirable Redneck traits and those that should be carefully weeded out via genetic engineering, or any means necessary (chainsaw comes to mind). LeeGreenwoodSong represents one of these extremes--read between the lines. In case this thought causes any reader undue stress, let me offer a more acceptable lyrical obsession for the red blooded American hillbilly...

Johnny Horton's "Battle of New Orleans."

You can catch the lyrics at this link. However, if you do not own the disk, I suggest that you definitely splurge for the MP3 download. True fans can also download the ringtone... I am going to spring for mine as soon as I am finished with this rant!

If my peace offering (above) still reeks of intolerance to you, let me clear things up by saying that I will try not to judge you for your irrational love of Greenwood. That is the best I have to offer at this time.

I cannot believe that this topic has resulted in two distinct blog entries. I apologize. As a second olive branch, I offer this little treasure:

If you are not familiar with Kacey Jones, do yourself a favor and buy a disk! She autographs them all... Kacey also sings my personal theme song, "Every Man I've Ever Loved is Either Married, Gay, or Dead." A time honored classic.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Let's Give 'em Something to Be Proud About...

I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free to hate that Lee Greenwood song!
... I'll gladly stand up next to you and defend your right to burn a flag or use its image to decorate your toes or dress up your dog...

There ain't no doubt I love this land. God Bless the US Constitution!

For another perspective...

Honestly, I hate that song and I am not afraid to admit it. That guy has made a career out of his one hit song simply because it is so sappy that no one will dare admit that it is total crap! For starters, "American" is not a PLACE, so no one can live there... much less live freely there.

You can keep your Red Neck National Anthem, I'll stick to the Star spangled Banner!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Take Care of Mother Earth... She Takes Care of You!

Some friends and I went to see the movie An Inconvenient Truth this week ( ). I will admit that there was a drawn-out reminder of the 2000 Presidential race, but the film is really not about party politics. No matter what your political beliefs are, I think it is an eye opener that is worth your time! I highly recommend it. Also, I thought I would share this little one minute cartoon courtesy of Big Sis (I wonder if she is sick of me calling her that yet).

Once you've watched it, please click on the link to contact Exxon Mobil's brand new CEO, Rex Tillerson and ask him to change the company's course before it's too late. Exxon Mobil's "business as usual" tactics pose a serious threat to our Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and to our ability to slow global warming (2005 was the warmest year on record!). So please do your part.

They Can Take Away Our Lives, but They Can Never Take Our Blogdom...

The e-Terrorists had a major victory, but the war is not lost. It has just come to my attention that your freedom to post to my blog was badly compromised for some time. I thought you all just stopped caring and I nearly gave up my soap box in defeat!

Honestly, after the initial attack I merely set my comments to require word verification. I did not intentionally block anyone from participating in a free exchange of ideas. A million thanks to that cool chick, Cousin, for alerting me to the situation. In the future I will depend upon all of you to find a means whereby you can voice your grievances... Even if it seems the establishment would prevent you from doing so. Come on, you should know me well enough to know I like dissenting voiced...

Now, post a comment! Go ahead--hit me with your best shot! I can take the criticism.