So, have I mentioned that I am part of an on-line book swap group called...
I guess so. I will try not to put you to sleep with the details, but, in case you have been counting, I have received 5 books, 5 are in the mail on their way to my house, and I am happy as a clam.
A friend who did not have the energy to join herself but wanted to contribute to the movement (you might say "The Revolution..." )brought me some garbage bags full of her used paperbacks. She then informed me that I was now indebted to her and would need to request books on her behalf whenever she thought of any she needed... I love the strings that bind friends together.
Several of her books were in shreds and landed directly in my recycling bin. Most are murder mysteries. None seemed to be attracting any Moochers. It seemed that rather than getting rid of my unwanted books, I was becoming a half-way house for other people's unwanted texts...
Anyway, I decided I would read on of the wayward memoirs,
A Million Little Pieces, but just as I considered pulling it from my on-line inventory, someone requested it. No problem, I would read it over the Labor Day weekend before passing it on to a new home.
Now, I was about 5 pages in when I said to myself, "Self, isn't this the book that got Oprah into all kinds of trouble..." And later, "Self, is this the touching memoir of one man's struggle with addiction or a poorly written, melodramatic novel in memoirs clothes?"
Horrendous language and gross out medical scenes aside, I was soon hooked. Still, the pressure to finish in time to mail the book out by Tuesday was intense! I stayed up all night on Monday (okay, not all night, but long past my 9:30 bedtime).
Tuesday when I went to mail out the book, I noticed that the cover looked different on-line... The picture on my monitor was small, but it looked like TOES, rather than fingers... And the cake confetti was oblong rather than spherical...Did they have alternate covers across the country? Around the world?
I enlarged the picture and noticed that I had, in fact, offered a copy of
A Million Little Lies to the world. Unfortunately, I did not have a copy of this book to give...
Upon further research, I realized that there were several parodies on AMLP, including one called
A Million Little Feces. I did not dig any further in that direction... I apologized to the lady who had been waiting a week for me to mail out the book I had promised. She refused my offers to mail the one I actually possessed.
So... I still have the book... Touching masterpiece or tremendous sham? You be the judge... Just log in and mooch the darn book that is cluttering up my shelf! Please.
For more on the controversy (in case you were living under a rock or in Japan or something)...
P.S. I went to James Frey's website--sad! His fans have tattoos in his honor and openly dis Oprah for not being supportive enough. Oh the sacrilege!